неделя, 13 юли 2014 г.

BEYOO ONLINE - First Signs of Poor Management

The first project I received was beyond exciting for me. It was the overall online reputation creation of one of the best surgeons in Switzerland. I was thrilled! Medicine has always been something that I was interested in, even though I chose another path in terms of professional development.

I did my homework. Research, report – done. Creation of his social media profiles – done. The frame of his website with a great amount of information, both for him and his field of expertise – done.
Then my boss – Mathieu Gouanou decided to intervene. He set his priorities like that: 1. BEYOO ONLINE’s corporate website; 2. Clients.

This was the first sign of poor management that should have make me think is staying at BEYOO ONLINE a good career start.

My excitement was high, so I decided that since I am the one who has almost no experience, I should listen to the person who decided to develop a business himself. Big mistake. Remember, when your gut feeling tells you something, the years of experience do not matter.

The team I was working with at that time was great, but unfortunately we did not have a professional wordpress developer, who could help us set up the corporate website. At that point, our SEO specialist was doing his best to create something from scratch, even though he is good at optimizing the content, not creating the page itself. He was spending nearly two thirds of his time reading about the development process, so he could put what he has learned to work. The results obviously were not impressive, but were not shockingly poor. He did his best.

Even though we kept telling the BEYOO ONLINE’s CEO Mathieu Gouanou that the company needs a professional WordPress developer, he kept refusing to look for that specific specialist profile with the excuse that he will want a higher wage. The tricky part was that all of the company’s potential clients would need this type of specialist to work on their websites in the future.

Meanwhile were still working without contracts.

Mr. Mathieu Gouanou promised he will come in Sofia, so we could work on that aspect of the company’s further development.

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